

 2024: KunstpodiumT Master Apprentice Program, Onder begeleiding van: Henk Visch.

 2018 – 2023: Bachelor Art & Research, St. Joost Breda, Nederland

 2020 – 2021: Minor Sculptuur en Installatie, Bergen, Noorwegen


Aankomende exposities

2025: Kunstenfestival Borkel en Schaft, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2025: Young at Night, De fabriek, Eindhoven, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2025: Nq Gallery: Dialogue, Antwerpen, België (Groepstentoonstelling)



 2025 – 2026: "WeOk!" Stedelijk museum Breda, i.s.m. David Bade en Stichting Grote Broer Grote Zus,

Breda, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2024: "Rotterdam Rave Festival" Ahoy, Rotterdam, Nederland (live schilderen)

 2024: ‘’Grofgebekt’’ Live size scrabble, Grootspraak, Solar weekend festival Roermond, Nederland.

 2024: "Season Highlights" Kunstpodium T, Tilburg, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2024: "Wat niet bestaat is altijd het leukste" Kunstpodium T, Tilburg, Nederland


 2023-2024: "A12" Electron, Breda, Nederland (groepstentoonstelling)

 2023: "Verbinding en Collectief Geheugen" Kunstfestival Borkel en Schaft, Nederland


 2023: "Bobbi’s Summer School: From time to time" Expositieruimte 38CC, Delft, Nederland


 2023: "Deur matten" De Fabriek, Eindhoven, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2022-2023: "Geen titel" Ff iets anders, Goirle, Nederland (Vintage shop)

 2022: "Cultuurnacht" Kogel door de kerk, Lutherse Kerk, Breda, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2022: "Wegens omstandigheden is er momenteel geen titel" De Fabriek, Eindhoven, Nederland


 2022: "The Now Show" AKV Sint Joost, Breda, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2021: "Garden of Earthly Delights" Galerie Drift, Breda, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)

 2019: "In samenwerking met" AKV Sint-Joost, Breda, Nederland (Groepstentoonstelling)



 2023: De Fabriek, Eindhoven, Nederland

 2022: De Fabriek, Eindhoven, Nederland



 2024: Genomineerd voor de Buning Brongers prijs.

 2024: Genomineerd voor de Jan Naaijkens prijs.



 2024: Mondriaan fonds, voucher ontwikkeling



 2022 – 2023: Mede-oprichter Gallery Janssens & Janssens

o Organisatie, Communicatie, Curatie, Administratie en het verbinden van kunstenaars met het


 2024 - heden: Mede-oprichter Galerie Geroosterd

o Partner en klant relaties, verkoop en het verbinden van kunstenaars met het publiek.

Artist statement
Jan Janssens (Tilburg, 2000) graduated from Sint-Joost Academy in July 2023. In his work, he invites the viewer to turn inward and reflect on the processes that are happening within us. He addresses themes such as love, connection, spirituality, and sustainability.

In his paintings, sculpteres and installations he portrays cities with skyscrapers, one of the first images he can remember. The high buildings are a metaphor for society. The constant going, growing, improving, speeding up, enlarging, and increasing. It removes the personal from society. Therefore, Jan wants to focus on connection in his work.

The connection takes place partly in the materials and techniques. He tries out as many combinations and possibilities that come to him, then he incorporates these outcomes into his work, where a childlike visual language has a serious edge. Connections are depicted in bodies that show energetic energy, representing the processes that we cannot see but are present in us. These are contradictions with the cold city and its buildings.

In his work, he zooms in on what we can no longer see because we are blinded by the acceleration in society. Jan invites you to go inward and feel what his works do to you, preferably with your heart. According to him, this is the compass we all should follow, and it will lead us to where we need to be.